It's funny but how many times does an event or location truly live up to expectations? Lisa and I had discussed what Patagonia meant to us both and finally making it there, after years of longing and months of travels it still blew us away. 

Our exploration of this region shared between Chile and Argentina took us from Ushuaia the unofficial End of the World to Bariloche. Weaving between mountain ranges, crossing borders more times than we can count, sleeping beside raging torrents and generally making the most of an area Mother Earth must be proud as punch to have created left us speechless, with one exception...we managed to agree it's the highlight of our years' travels. No joke, this is one wilderness you can't go wrong with.

With that it mind here's a list of our Patagonia adventures to inspire.

It's a lot to talk in so we'll add some numbers just to finish you off!

Currency: We jumped between Chilean and Argentine Pesos


  • Buses - 0 (Van Life baby)
  • Beds - 1
  • Smelly hitch hikers picked up - 5
  • Distance hitch hiked - 21km
  • Duration - 5 weeks
  • Trekking km’s - 184 km
  • Border crossings - 6
  • Breakdowns - 1
  • White water rapids ridden - 8
  • Mouthwash coloured rivers - 1
  • Natural wonders - hourly

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa