Life change anyone?

I'm at that awkward age when most of my friends are now married and having babies (with the exception of a few who are too drunk to even find their phones - you know who you are).

My career is going just swell.  I (seriously) love my job and am one of those sicko's who really enjoys being at work. My team and colleagues are exceptional, I have a bunch of friends who rule my world and a family that is an inspiration to me every single day. Life's good. 

But there was a problem. An adventure reared it's head and had to be addressed. So against all sane and sensible advice, I've pressed pause on my job and have traded my stilettos for sensible shoes to spend the next year traveling through Mexico, Central and South America.

So here I am. Newly acquainted with the term 'budget' and ready to have the time of my life.

Oh - I should introduce my man-friend AJ, affectionately known as Sherpa. He's coming along for the ride. An incredible win for me as my luggage allowance essentially just doubled (phew).