Assuming you've started correctly with ladies first, you’ll now know me as Sherpa (aka AJ). The name doesn't bother me at all; however I am still negotiating on my living conditions, uniform, and wages - looks like I'm on best behaviour for the duration! It’s important to note from the off that the travelling we’re embarking upon was Lisa’s idea, and as she said to me, “one day you were there, just curled up in the corner of my adventure”. When you see a good opportunity it makes sense to not let it go.

Yearning for travel has brought me incredible experiences, and to now share an adventure of this nature and scale with someone as equally passionate makes for an entertaining and action-packed year away. At the time of writing we’re finishing off our preparations, saving like crazy, and mapping out a rough route with ‘must-see’ sights along the way. Realising however that part of the excitement is the unknown, where / what / who we’ll see next, has allowed us to keep the level of anticipation sky-high.

It’s funny but embarking on a trip like this makes you appreciate how much more there is to see, and why not getting involved is a crazy waste of the one shot we all get. Saying this, if I miss leg day and therefore can’t carry the allocated baggage allowance my travelling may come to an abrupt end!

Ultimately I can’t wait to get started and feel very privileged to be travelling with Lisa whose drive and determination to make a year-long trip a reality has enabled us both to live out a dream.

Note: Not sure about you but in my dream I wasn't carrying full-size shampoo, conditioner and moisturiser bottles…