Mexico - you stole our hearts, and our stomachs. 

Marking our first stop of the great adventure, Mexico set the benchmark high. It is colourful, full of life and has so much to offer from ancient Mayan ruins, jungles, colonial cities and beaches galore. 

We had 6 weeks and didn’t even scratch the edges. The distances are huge between towns and once you arrive there is so much to explore. 

Our adventure took us to some beautiful places. Take a look:

Special mentions:

For the foodies, our menu-musts:

  • FISH TACOS. Let us say this again...FISH TACOS
  • Margaritas (we promise enough of them equals a meal)
  • Quesadillas

Currency: Peso Mexicano - AUD$100 = MXN$1,383


  • Buses - 16
  • Tacos - 125
  • Beds - 12
  • Hours on beach - 45
  • Tan lines - Almost black
  • Drug busts witnessed - 1
  • Turtles swam with - 5
  • Sense of humour failures - 1

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedayshepa