My new life start

My new life start

This is first post. Must say sorry for English as not best language.

I feel very happy allowed time to write and show my admirations and excitedness for adventure. Just 6 weeks left and lots of tasks for me complete; must keep working hard to stay as Sherpa as lots of people do my job at locations.

Client is nice lady with good smile but lots of clothes. Maybe she learn not all needed, if not I ask for bonus of extra blanket at night. We go to USA first which very exciting. My brother go there 3 year ago to take client to Canadia which is up, we go down country.

I most happy with plane journey, scared my Sarangi not allowed at seat with me. Love thought of free food given me by Air-Sherpa. Must serve client first, always client before Sherpa.

Break finish. Bye

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

I go to Party!

I go to Party!

I got stabbed

I got stabbed