I got stabbed

I got stabbed

...and I haven't even left Australia yet

The bastard stabbed me. Four basically blunt needles jabbed carelessly into my vulnerable left arm. Just call me the human pin-cushion. And Dr Jab didn't even have the heart to offer me a jelly bean (which I had to steal for myself).

On the positive, I'm now pretty much invincible which should vastly help my chances of surviving my last few Saturday nights in Sydney.

Freshly pricked, my defence-game against Typhoid, Tetanus, Meningitis, Polio, Hepatitis A and Yellow Fever is strong.

As Dr Jab worked overtime to up-sell me on many more 'must-needed' vaccines, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of online courses he had taken to swindle precious travel funds from prospective travellers. This guy was absolutely relentless.

Sadly, due to inflicted budget cuts, I'm now wide-open for Rabies, Malaria and Cholera. Something I must take up with management.

Seven weeks to go. 

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

My new life start

My new life start