I go to Party!

I go to Party!

Big date of expedition is close and nice lady-client invite me to her big party. In my home we do same but less money spent on all fancy bubbles, Sherpa prefer Yak milk tea or Sherpa Beer.

She has lots friends. Sherpa allowed 2 people, must help wash up after but this OK as food given us. She host in popular place near where possible future clients stand on water board in sea. They confused as big water for scary fish, client need stay on land as safer.

Bag pack go well for Sherpa, lady-client still buying more. Sherpa not know why 4 swim bikinis needed when only one lady-client. Sherpa worried that he not train legs more but hope family spirit help him through.

Nice to write with you.

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

So emojional

So emojional

My new life start

My new life start