Wild and calm in Montanita

Wild and calm in Montanita

You take different things from a place. Many people come to Montanita to party but the real gem for me was is in its stillness. 

Tucked away at the very end of Montanita beach on the Ecuadorian coast is Casa del Sol, an oasis that gave me space to breath, reflect and re-centre. After 11 months on the road, I'm travelling alone without my man-friend and Sherpa (a turbo charged shock to the system), I’m pondering life back in Australia, getting ready to see my mum and dad for a jaunt around the Galapagos Islands and balancing the yin of staying in the moment with the yang of finding a job to go home to. Casa del Sol was my beach-side base to contemplate it all. 

I know what you're thinking - 'Lisa you damn hippie'. Rest assured, the only thing hippie about my time here was the super chilled vibe - oh and maybe the brownie that knocked me sideways. 

Over 12 days, I did the best yoga of my life thanks to the insanely talented and take-no-shit yoggie Tamara (love her). While Tamara took my yoga practice to another level, it often felt like a torture session as my banged-up body started to unwind from all the overnight buses, nights in tents and lumpy beds. No pain, no gain right?  Don’t let 'torture' put you off - this is the yoga teacher I’ve been seeking all my life. 

Cliche as it sounds, it was the people and furry-friends that made this experience at Montanita so special. With space to be on your own or an endless supply of laughs, hugs and high-fives - you can carve out your own journey. 

To Tamara, Andres, Jackson (the human), Jackson (the dog), Lula (the dog) and long-stay guests Mel and Hal - you’ll be remembered forever. And to Tim from the Netherlands who I’m convinced is my brothers long lost spirit-friend, thanks for being such a delightfully bad influence. 

For those who need a break Montanita has it all. Get bendy with daily yoga, surf the waves, sweat it out at a HIIT session, party until the wee hours, sleep the day away on the beach, play with new friends (human or furry), eat freshly made sushi and homemade ice-cream, take day trips to see whales or hang out with the Ecuadorians as they enjoy their weekend paradise.

So much can change in 12 days. I arrived in Montanita ready to relax, a little dishevelled mentally and physically, and left with an amazing job to go back to, a feeling of balance, a sense of stillness but having released my inner wild. #classiclisa

Montanita will forever be my happy place - here are the colours I lived:

Casa del Sol - remote from the craziness that is Montania but with its own upbeat vibe. You’re a 10 minute walk along the beach from parties that keep you captive until dawn, close to beach-front restaurants, have the world’s best yoga studio and teacher and digs to chill in.

While you’re there - don’t miss a trip to Isla de Platta, known as the Poor Man’s Galapagos. Read my post here (coming soon). 

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Voyage on The Beagle, Galapagos Islands

Voyage on The Beagle, Galapagos Islands

Boobies & breaching: Isla de la Plata

Boobies & breaching: Isla de la Plata