Boobies & breaching: Isla de la Plata

Boobies & breaching: Isla de la Plata

There's a little island off the coast of Ecuador called Isla de la Plata. It's a wildlife mecca and often referred to as the Poor Man's Galapagos. Having now done both, I can happily say it’s worth the trip but ain’t got nothing on the Galapagos Islands.

However the animals worked hard and put on a good show…..

Whaley active whales
I lost count of the number of humpback whales I saw breeching out of the water.  They’re beautiful show-offs; flapping their fins, launching themselves out of the water and giving their blow-holes a good workout. 

Big and small, they danced around our boat all day. Braving the sea-side chill, swimming with turtles was a mesmerising experience. 

Boobies everywhere
Blue-footed Boobies to be precise. Curious little creatures with cute blue feet and their very own dance moves. 

Bird life
Resembling pre-historic creatures, I watched the birds for hours. New birds, old birds, male birds showing off and bird-couples building their nests - it was all on display. 

Pretty flowers, gigantic cacti and organic tomatoes, native to the island feature on Isla de la Plata.

Take a day trip from Puerto Lopez to Isla de la Plata. Puerto Lopez is an easy 40min bus ride from Montanita, just flag a bus down on the highway and pick up any boat at the main port once you hit town. The boat ride along the Ecuadorian coast is relaxing at times but mainly bounces you around from the ocean swell. Once you arrive at Isla de la Plata you can snorkel, hike and release your inner Attenborough spotting wildlife. 

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Wild and calm in Montanita

Wild and calm in Montanita

Swinging at 2,600m in Baños

Swinging at 2,600m in Baños