La Paz - true or false?

La Paz - true or false?

Thanks to one of our best city tour guides, who navigated us around Bolivia's capital La Paz, we'd like to throw some crazy information at you, our readers. Have a look through and see where you think the blurred line of fact vs. fiction lies.

Blessing new buildings:

  • Before commencing major building projects in La Paz, Witch Doctors are engaged to perform a ceremony ensuring the build is a success. The ritual involves burying a human alive on the site before building commences. Often, the homeless or alcoholics are preyed upon and fall victim to the witch doctors.

  • These witch doctors achieve their respected status when struck by lightning.

A llama fetus or a human - same same?

A llama fetus or a human - same same?

Love potions:

  • It is possible to acquire over the counter potions call 'Follow me Follow me' to help ladies snag the gent of their dreams, and '5 times in a night' which needs no explanation.

Buy a blessing

Buy a blessing

Bowler hats:

Quintessential to Bolivia but what's right and wrong with the history?

  • Originally designed for men by the British but despite Bolivians short stature their heads didn't play ball - whoopsie! So they sold them to women saying it was the latest Western fashion.

  • A standard Bolivian income might be third world but these Italian designed hats still cost US$1000

They are worn as follows:

  • On top = married

  • On the side = divorced, widowed or single

  • Tilted backwards = it's complicated

All the rage - bowler hats

All the rage - bowler hats

Desirable women:
All men want the pick of the bunch but how do Bolivian girls attract a suitor (without a potions mentioned above)? 

  • Big strong calves showing strength and endurance

  • Wide hips to display baby-popping-out ability

  • Able to carry heavy loads, plus a baby and toddler up a steep hill all day long

Baby on back (check), todler (check), heavy load (check). A highly desirable woman.

Baby on back (check), todler (check), heavy load (check). A highly desirable woman.

Do we have a challenger to the French...?

  • La Paz was ground to a halt for almost a week with passionate strikes and protests when news spread that The Simpsons was going to be taken off the air. Strikes were successful and The Simpsons now airs three times a day.

  • Producers of the show were so moved that they dedicated an entire episode to this event.

Just one of many strikes we experienced #hikethehighway

Just one of many strikes we experienced #hikethehighway


  • Bolivia holds a Guinness record for most presidents in shortest time

  • Certain reigns have been as short as a single day

  • The presidential palace is also known as 'Burnt Palace' due to number of arson attacks. Something Bolivians are very proud of

The president said...:
Evo Morales is a native Bolivian whose English is non-existent despite insisting party members all speak English, and his Spanish isn't much better.

  • Chicken makes you gay and Coca Cola makes you bald

  • When he heard what the population of Bolivia was he decided it had too few people. His logic was to blame this on condoms so, he banned them

  • In addition to banning condoms he offered a bonus for all girls giving birth before 18 and fines if you were childless after your 18th year 😬


La Paz lays claim to what is most likely the world's most famous prison, thanks in part to the book Marching Powder.

  • Owners of restaurants inside the prison can charge Coca Cola for advertising their brand inside

  • Between 5-15 police guard the prison, all stationed outside. Inmates control everything inside including property prices and access to jacuzzis.

  • The best cocaine in Bolivia, and therefore it's argued the world, comes from labs inside the prison walls.

  • Families live with convicted criminals inside the walls but can leave to go to work or school


Shoe shiners:

  • They all wear balaclavas because it's the most undesirable job in the country


  • Humans dresses in full costumes help control traffic and improve recycling knowledge

  • You can be a zebra for a day where the main task is to give out free hugs

So let me guess, you're confused and concerned reading the above "facts". Well it might come as some surprise to hear they're all 100% true. That's right it's tradition (although still illegal) to bury people alive, and yes the bigger the calves the more desirable a lady is.

Bolivia you're one of a kind ☝🏾

The gondolas offer the best views over the city

The gondolas offer the best views over the city

If you find yourself in La Paz, here are our tips


  • Cycle the infamous Death Road

  • Wander around the city cemetery

  • Explore the San Francisco church or just sit outside it and watch the world go by

  • Check out the galleries, museums and pretty Calle Jaen Street

  • Wander around the creepy but fascinating Witches Market

  • Riding the gondolas - red and blue lines in the late afternoon sun for epic views over the city

  • Get an insiders guide to the city with the Red Cap walking tours

  • Bag a seat at the Cholita wrestling

  • Jump into the Amazon (see our Amazon jungle post)

  • Take a day trip to Tiwanaku ruins (or on route to Copacabana)


  • La Cueva for tasty Mexican

  • Mozzarella Pizza for hearty pizza

  • Another Mexican hot spot is Kalakitas - yum!

  • The Writers Coffee for spot on espresso in a gorgeous book shop

  • Cafe del Mundo boasting the most fresh and satisfying menu with top tastes from all over the world

  • The English Pub if you need some football and an english breakfast tea (or pub grub)


  • York B&B is central, cheap and has great wifi. What ever you do, don’t eat from the cafe downstairs - Greenwood - food poisoning city!

Treating ourselves to an espresso

Treating ourselves to an espresso

Fresh juices at the markets

Fresh juices at the markets

Calle Jaen St is worth a wander

Calle Jaen St is worth a wander

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Lake Titicaca’s mystical Isla del Sol

Lake Titicaca’s mystical Isla del Sol

Into the Bolivian Amazon

Into the Bolivian Amazon