Totally wild in Costa Rica

Totally wild in Costa Rica

It's fair to say that we'd heard great things about Costa Rican wildlife. Thanks to national parks spread across the country, you're always close to your next encounter. Not that they're confined to these preserved areas. We spotted sloths while parked up for the night in our campervan, snapped toucans on our way to the beach, and howled back at howler monkeys while out for an afternoon ride aboard our cruiser bikes.

The variety in Costa Rica is something else to behold, although due to shrinking numbers resulting in certain species being listed as endangered, you'll need the following to tick off the ultra-rare ones. We're talking about the jaguar, puma, ocelot and giant anteater. 

  • Complete freedom of time

  • Money to access the remotest sections of national parks

  • An Attenborough-level telephoto lense

  • A HUGE dose of luck!

Check out what we've been luckily enough to see, both in the wild and as guests at The Jaguar Rescue Centre, Puerto Viejo.

Lisa's other spirit animal :)

Lisa's other spirit animal :)

Godzilla's Costa Rican cousin

Godzilla's Costa Rican cousin

Racing car dimensions for this little guy

Racing car dimensions for this little guy

Up close and personal

Up close and personal

White tailed deers roam freely

White tailed deers roam freely

Took ages to get this little guy to sit still #airbourneADD

Took ages to get this little guy to sit still #airbourneADD

What the f*uck are you looking at?

What the f*uck are you looking at?

Just one of the 130+ snake species slithering in Costa Rica

Just one of the 130+ snake species slithering in Costa Rica

Already showing the effects of hanging out with Lisa

Already showing the effects of hanging out with Lisa

Cayman not crocodile...I'm not that stupid

Cayman not crocodile...I'm not that stupid

Finally a toucan!!!

Finally a toucan!!!

Baby sloths - officially the CUTEST animals ever

Baby sloths - officially the CUTEST animals ever

DO NOT piss this guy off...evil personified?

DO NOT piss this guy off...evil personified?

Pistachio, the resident pelican and troublemaker

Pistachio, the resident pelican and troublemaker

These little guys are stupidly quick

These little guys are stupidly quick

I see you!

I see you!

Some serious calesthetics going on here

Some serious calesthetics going on here

Hummingbird in all its glory. Flash and 1/2000 shutter speed required

Hummingbird in all its glory. Flash and 1/2000 shutter speed required

Went hunting for birds, now I'm stuck on this flimsy-ass branch

Went hunting for birds, now I'm stuck on this flimsy-ass branch

These little blighters will act cute, then grab anything they feel have been warned!

These little blighters will act cute, then grab anything they feel have been warned!

That's one proud iguana

That's one proud iguana

Can I get to the half-eaten packet of Pringles without the lads noticing...

Can I get to the half-eaten packet of Pringles without the lads noticing...

Oh shit, what is that...

Oh shit, what is that...

Colourful and cool as f**k

Colourful and cool as f**k

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Head in the clouds

Head in the clouds

Alcoholics guide to Central America

Alcoholics guide to Central America