Plus and minus of #vanlife

Plus and minus of #vanlife

If you've read about our Costa Rica road trip fail thanks to our beloved campervan, here are my plus and minuses of life in a van.


  • Ultimate freedom. Sayonara tourist buses! Hello flexible timetable.

  • Discovering remote locations that the guidebooks say are ‘hard to reach’

  • Easily explore the free side of Costa Rica which is a blessing to a backpackers budget.

  • You control the soundtrack. After 3 months of listening to Central America's 4 major songs on repeat - completely out of our control, playing our own music was a welcome sanity break.

  • Pull over on-demand. See a sloth? Pull over and watch it. Want to watch the sunset? Just stop and take it in. Bliss!

  • A fridge on wheels. Stock up on delicious local fruit as you go. Just add rum for an enhanced experience.

  • Camping toys! The sheer joy that comes with a van filled with camping contraptions: gas burners, mini-fridge, outdoor shower and converting the lounge room to a boudoir every night. Look out!

  • Wake up nowhere with no one. You're off the grid. There's no one around and you can do whatever you want.

  • Sleep with sloths. One night, we slept under a tree in a wildlife reserve while 3 sloths hung in the tree above us. Priceless.


  • Toilets and showers become a luxury. You have no idea how low I’ve stooped to get access to a shower.

  • Confined space. A few weeks of yoga prior to van life will help you tolerate the confined space. Try to mentally prepare yourself before hitting the road #getoutofmyface

  • No matter how dirty you think your clothes are, they can still go one more round. Trust me.

  • When it rains, you WILL be held captive by the van.

  • Card games get boring. Really boring. Please kill me now if I have to play shithead again.

  • Not really knowing what you're parking next to. We generally park before dark to get set up. This meant that one night we parked next to a random nightclub that got going about 10pm waking us with lasers and sick beats.

  • No matter how well you think you know someone, after two weeks in a van, you’ll discover a host of new things. Some qualities worse than others.

Despite the tragic van breakdown, #vanlife was remarkable. Did it test my limits? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Without a doubt. Our Costa Rider was a test run for our upcoming road trip through Argentina and Chile. 

Book a Costa Rica road trip adventure with Costa Rider vans. The other option is Nomad America.

Essential items:

  • Baby wipes

  • A local sim card for your phone

  • app to get you around offline

  • Sense of humour

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

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