Sherpa find Middle Earth

Sherpa find Middle Earth

Welcome to Sherpa (me) hitting a big dream goal, we visit Land of Lord of Rings. Sherpa know it’s not Nue Zeeland where elves and goblins live for real but it proper good option when working for Lisa. Note please, Lisa getting very kind to Sherpa in Guatemala, me not sure if she starting to think us friends, or her new idea to stop the drinking for next month messing with her mind.

Me get back now to hobbit place called Hobbitenango which Sherpa is told means area of Hobbits. Sherpa love the round colourful doors like Mr. Bilbo had and can imagine many great adventures into surrounding country. Must look after Lisa as roads like rivers and as we say in Sherpa home village, “once you step onto road you have no idea of where it sweep you off to”.

In hobbit hole Sherpa experienced fireplace (is correct word?) in bedroom and special shower where local hobbit-helpers make something called sauna. Lisa even let me into sauna in new pair of shorts (treat for hard work on volcano hikes). 

You may be asking how Sherpa know about Lord of Rings. In village back home we have 3 books to share.

  1. Into Thin Air…for warnings of Western egos and help plan safety

  2. Lord of Rings + Hobbit (for junior Sherpas)

  3. Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy. Sherpa have no idea how book came to village but crazy writing make Sherpas dream

Once me order and deliver Lisa dinner, Sherpa allowed to eat. Food list amazing as includes wizard names for strange drink with fruit and alcohol (Lisa want this but resist well), burger made from Troll, even include Ent names…tall, talking trees which Sherpa has in homeland.

We stay 2 days in Guatemala version of Shire and very sad to leave but the road goes ever on and on down from door where it began. It now Sherpa big dream to see real Hobbiton…maybe Lisa want trip in future and she remember Sherpas hard work and big smile.

As with friend Frodo there is more to Hobbitenango “than meets the eye”. Lisa talk more about this.


Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

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