Floatin' round Flores

Floatin' round Flores

Set on a teeny weeny island surrounded by an impressive, lake bursting with wildlife, Flores makes a beautiful first impression and is a perfect first stop in Guatemala. Cobblestone streets, dinky little lanes, a Spanish influenced churched perched on the top of the island hill and street food to keep the hungriest of Sherpa’s satisfied.

From Flores, the ancient ruins of Tikal are only 64km away. This is an absolute must-see, even if you’ve trudged thought other ruins in Mexico and Honduras. 

The lake begs you to explore it. Given that Sherpa is now a pretty good swimmer he was confident taking on the canoe. Strategically, I suggested Sherpa sit in front of the canoe so that I could help correct his stroke. It worked out well as he couldn’t see that I wasn’t paddling. Lazy client-lady. Strong Sherpa. Things are working out quite well indeed. 


  • Tikal Mayan Ruins, don’t miss it. See our post for details.

  • Canoe the lake, you’ll get the best views of Flores from the water which is warm and free from scary creatures. Canoe hire is only Q$70 for the whole day.

  • Get your kicks on the EPIC rope swing attached to a families waterfront home for Q$10.

  • Visit the wildlife rescue centre if you want to dampen your spirits. It’s always sad to see animals in cages.


  • The street food by the river is tasty.

  • Being on tour most of the time in Flores, we grabbed food as we went.

  • Los Amigos has a delicious all day menu and makes drinks that you’ll want to keep ordering.


  • Los Amigos - a lively garden oasis in the middle of Flores Island. Great rooms, delicious food and a perfect place to sink a few beers with new friends Q$300 for a private room with AC and hot water.


  • See how high you can get yourself to make the rope swing more challenging. Double dare if you can keep your bikini top on.

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Semuc Champ(yay)

Semuc Champ(yay)

Magical Tikal

Magical Tikal