Going out with a bang!

Going out with a bang!

I’ve been looking forward to my 35th birthday for a while now. Knowing it was to be spent somewhere in Central America with best friends (Lisa, Rhod and Beth) and adventures makes for a unique experience not soon to be forgotten. How right I was!

The day of it involved more travel than usually accompanies a celebration…half-day minivan ride of which 4hrs were over roads seemingly straight out of a war zone, and then a 45min boat ride in a torrential downpour (spectacular lake mind you). None of this mattered however because the real antics happened when closing out 34 instead of kicking off 35.

Basing ourselves in Lanquin, Central Guatemala we embarked on a day-trip to Semuc Champey, a series of naturally formed limestone pools above a raging river. Adventures included a lung-busting climb to the viewpoint, chilling in crystal clear waters, tubing down the river with a beer, and caving. This final item led to part one of an interesting day…scrambling around a pitch black cave in head-high water by candle light, slipping off a rock ledge to gash open my right leg and then proceeding to feel utterly exhausted thanks to the inevitable rush of adrenaline and then crash in energy levels. 

Oh well, at least we had the bone-rattling yet thoroughly awesome 45min pick-up ride  back to our river lodges to look forward to (picture 12 people crammed into the vehicles open back like livestock and you’ll have an idea of the transport arrangement). 

No such luck. Less than 5mins into our journey we were greeted by the heavens opening - that’s OK, we’ll throw the stinking tarp over our heads and cower in the dry if not comfort. This was going well until disaster struck. Having mentioned to Lisa my desire to get back quickly for a well needed bathroom break the rattling got the better of me and for a few minutes I played the mental game of hang-on vs. ask a van full of socked, shattered and starving strangers to stop and wait for me in the dark. 

Inflicting my position on them won over and a panicked tap on the van roof led to a skidding halt, me jumping out the back, gathering my bearings and then sprinting to a discreet location. Problem was I had mis-judged the situation…I wasn’t so much in need of emptying out the beer as I was gifting fertiliser to the region. 

Yes, a day short of turning 35 I had to sh*t in a bush. Not a bush however as when the van behind us came rumbling down the track their headlights clearly showed how I was simply at the edge of the road. Cue me finishing up quick, jumping onto our van, and for the remaining 20mins hanging off the back to save my fellow passengers from getting too close.

A long shower, Cuban cigar, and a few beers later I successfully left my 34th year with a lasting memory, only issue was 11 others had it imprinted on their minds too…ops!

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Up the Rio Dulce

Up the Rio Dulce

Semuc Champ(yay)

Semuc Champ(yay)