Crater chaser

Crater chaser

Apologies for not writing you sooner, have been very busy with Lisa's (Lady Client remember) travel needs. She even taught me using grey computer machine. Not for play but adventure research so she spends less time on this and more at Spanish school. Odd as Sherpa see’s her go into place called Spa many time and her language get no better…confused Sherpa is!

Most recent adventure perfect for Sherpa, we go climb big volcano with heavy bag on back. Sherpa take Lisa stuff so she enjoy view. Very steep but I (forget must write you as me) have local Sherpas there for company and one horse. After 5hr climb all clients make base camp in clouds. I help build tent, make Lisa comfortable and set off for top of volcano…Lisa promise it not explode so me safe.

Climb is steep and lots of slippery ground but get to top before sun drop for great view. Lead Sherpa come with us and explain to me about running race at volcano summit. He say 660m round volcano edge, soft ground and some hills. Local sherpas and some clients try for fast time, if try get free t-shirt. This make I very happy as still have just one t-shirt. Problem for Sherpa is he spend too long at low heights with Lisa so top of volcano very high and little air. I is told height is 3,976m and 35% less air so is tough to breathe when run.

I set off fast with lead Sherpa timing and other clients watching. Lisa at base camp doing Yoga she tell me but me think she sleep. This hardest 4:30min of Sherpa life for long time. Not enough air but love challenge so finish and even rewarded with beer from man client. Must carry all empty bottles down as payment.

Recovery quick for Sherpa as body remember what very high feel like. Lisa impressed but no time to rest as must help with firewood chopping and make Lisa bed more comfortable as little rocks not good for her sleep.

Hasta luego (I learn this from local Sherpa, mean see you later) 

Instagram: @theisaphillips #somedaysherpa

Spanish bum steer

Spanish bum steer

Summiting Acatenango Volcano

Summiting Acatenango Volcano