Journey to the Bolivian salt flats

Journey to the Bolivian salt flats

The journey is the reward.
— Chinese proverb

The Uyuni Salt Flats of Bolivia are undoubtedly a natural highlight of South America. A seemingly endless salt flat, the largest in the world, that is so white you're blinded by its beauty. 

Travelling overland from San Pedro Atacama in Chile to Uyuni, Bolivia, we opted for a 3 day 4WD adventure. A decision that left us in awe of Bolivia's south west and at times, completely breathless. 

Reaching the Uyuni salt flats is the highlight for many, but for me, it was just one more incredible thing to add to the list of evocative landscapes we crossed in reaching our final destination.

Passing through some of the world's harshest and diverse landscapes we reached dizzying heights of over 5,000m, were treated to absolute remoteness, volcanos, wild flamingos, llamas and vicuñas, snow capped mountains and glistening desert lakes. 

This was our journey....

Laguna Verde sitting pretty at 5,000m

Laguna Verde sitting pretty at 5,000m

Geysers Sol de Mañana

Geysers Sol de Mañana

Desierto de Daly - Salvador Daly inspired landscape

Desierto de Daly - Salvador Daly inspired landscape

Laguna Colorado

Laguna Colorado

Llamas & vicuñas

Llamas & vicuñas

With pom poms on their ears

With pom poms on their ears

No words for this guy xox - Laguna Colorado

No words for this guy xox - Laguna Colorado

Flamingos at Laguna Colorado

Flamingos at Laguna Colorado

Waking up at Laguna Blanca

Waking up at Laguna Blanca

Arbol de Pierda - petrified lava in the desert

Arbol de Pierda - petrified lava in the desert

Desert for miles

Desert for miles

Laguna Turquia, reflections

Laguna Turquia, reflections

Volcan Ollague, the active volcano separating Chile and Bolivia

Volcan Ollague, the active volcano separating Chile and Bolivia

Photographing the railway lines at Salar de Chiguana, a mini salt flat

Photographing the railway lines at Salar de Chiguana, a mini salt flat

Then, the Grande Photoshoot at the Salt Flats

Sunrise at Uyuni Salt Flats - an inch of water over the flats created these beautiful reflections

Sunrise at Uyuni Salt Flats - an inch of water over the flats created these beautiful reflections

The world on its head

The world on its head

The Sherpa

The Sherpa

This is what happens when Sherpa's left on his own on Isla Incahuasi (Cactus Island)

This is what happens when Sherpa's left on his own on Isla Incahuasi (Cactus Island)

Bolivia's hottest new bands to arrive on the salt scene

Bolivia's hottest new bands to arrive on the salt scene

Of course there are flags on the flats

Of course there are flags on the flats

Naturally the 3 day tour ends at Cementerio de Trenes (cemetery of trains). Creepy.

Naturally the 3 day tour ends at Cementerio de Trenes (cemetery of trains). Creepy.

Sherpa resting on the job

Sherpa resting on the job

Anatomy of a Sherpa?

Anatomy of a Sherpa?

Cordillera Traveller offered us a wonderful 3 day journey. 

Tips for choosing a tour operator:

When it comes to picking a tour company for a 3 day Salt Flat tour, anxiety runs high. There are some horror stories out there. There are three factors that will have the biggest impact on your trip:

  1. Your expectations - you're in the Bolivian outback, not a luxe a movie

  2. Your driver - they're Bolivian, chilled and on a mission

  3. Your group - pick wisely

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

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