Predicting the unpredictable
Sounding like an exercise in futility, predicting Patagonia's weather is the sort of undertaking that's a staple of the deluded, delusional and insane. Patagonia disregards the notion; in fact it's because weather down on the southern tip can roll through four seasons in a day that predicting and coping with it can become less chore and more entertainment. Any place where 'normal' is hiking in a t-shirt while watching icebergs float down the adjacent river must have some bat shit crazy weather going on!!! ☀️⛈🌈💦
A handful of simple rules need to be adhered to and then all's good:
Assume the worst, pack for the worst and learn to love the worst
Pray for the best, pack for the best and enjoy it while it lasts
Adopt a strippers mindset. Undressing and redressing between Mother Natures 'shows' becomes the norm
Wind isn't wind until you can lean into it. As one Park Ranger put it while a gale raged outside "the weather's not pissed off right now"! 🌪
Give up debating which footwear's correct - everything gets wet, smells like a dead badger, and is then strangely too hot. Odd
Above all smile - when finding yourself in a Refugio with a log burner for drying clothes, a chocolate house or microbrewery for essential body temperature regulation, or even a lounger under the scorching sun.
A place of extremes Patagonia will light a fire in your sole...and then douse it out just as quick with a bucket load of rain!
Road trippin in sunshine
That storms getting pretty close
The bluest skies imaginable...with a feisty wind as company
Post-downpour sunsets
Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa