Bikies who bake

Bikies who bake

A classic moment in El Calafate……. 

Sherpa and I returned to our El Calafate campsite after a night away wild camping only to discover that bikies had taken it over. Full on Sons of Anarchy style. Think Hells Angles bikie convention - over a hundred of them.

My favourite group was the El Calafate Guanaco Macho’s. Leather every where, all the gear, all the bikes with all the pipes. A full-on and rather intimidating scene to walk into. 

Each bikie group had clearly marked their spot with banners and flags featuring their crew logos. The previously innocent swing sets and monkey bars now had quite a different look. 

But one shouldn’t judge, should one.

I was waiting to use the toilet when a group of bikies, fully kitted out in leather, heads bound with bandanas and facial hair out in force, approached me with something in their hands (I was close to shitting myself). To my surprise what they had in their hands was a huge tray of the most elegant, exquisite pastries. Apple tarts, berry pies - all decorated beautifully. They kindly offered me some of their sweetness. 

Who would have thought - bikes who bake??!!! 

Stereotyping is a terrible thing and something I am guilty of. Thank you universe for that reminder.  Lesson learnt. 

Side note:  while I had the female toilets to myself as the only chick around, poor Sherpa had a hundred or so bikies competing for the communal bathroom block. When he showered I gently reminded him not to drop the soap 😬

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

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