Paradise Interrupted

Paradise Interrupted

And just like that, we found paradise. To be accurate, it wasn't 'just like that', it was more like a 7 hour drive in a local mini van around the biggest mountain range I've seen outside the Himalayas. Even Sherpa got the queezies going around all the bends. 

But back to paradise. Zipolite, it's a rustic beach on the south coast of Mexico. It has a very chilled hippie vibe with scattered yoga studios, beach bars and a tempting surf break. 

After our bendy bus ride, we arrived at our beachside hotel (note hotel, not hostel). My negotiation skills lept to our rescue and we were now imposters in this posh seaside palace. We now resided in a beachfront bungalow for the same price as our shit-hole dump of a backpacker hostel back in Oaxaca. Oh how far away that feels.

First order of business was a swim. Almost perfectly framed by jagged boulders, Zipolite beach was calling my name. In I plunged. Perfection. Warm salty sea to wash away the day and an ice cold beer waiting for me on my plush beach lounge, lightly shaded by a pristine white beach umbrella.  Could this get any better?

As I emerged from the cool, refreshing sea in my new found paradise, I was confronted by a penis. You heard right. And not just one, a parade of penises were marching all over my paradise. Long schlong donkey kong and his compadres of misfits were letting it all hang out and blow in the breeze.

My eyes burned - I did not know where to look.
When researching this rustic paradise, my previously unassaulted eyes had neglected to pick up the word nudist. Zipolite is a nudist beach. 

Sherpa was curious, wondering why these lads didn't have clothes. Even poor Sherpa, who has two full sets of clothes to his name, doesn't have to wander about nude. 

Oaxacan Coast Hit List

Oaxacan Coast Hit List

Mescal...only for the brave

Mescal...only for the brave