Chichicastenango markets

Chichicastenango markets

Stepping into Chichicastenango markets, with the moniker of 'Central America's largest market' is a true assault on the senses. 

Narrow passageways are lined by merchants selling everything from beautiful local weaves and intricate carvings (some may have found their way into Lisa's bag!), to motorbikes and the seemingly commonplace machete. 

Stalls overhang the thoroughfares creating an enclosed feeling similar to walking through a tunnel, if the tunnel was filled with the hustle and bustle of local Guatemalan life that is. Incredible people are in every nook and cranny of the markets and proudly don their national dress, smiling faces and are quite compact in size. 

Make no mistake, the Chichi (for short) markets are on the 'Gringo Trail' but this is anything but an attraction for the sake of backpack laden tourists. More so it's well established as the place for Guatemalan and Mayan people alike to meet, mingle, barter, and banter. You'd have thought the entire population of Guatemala was getting in on the hustle and bustle, either by selling their wares, or looking for the next deal. 

Negotiating the labyrinth of streets takes focus as the sights, smells and sounds try to knock you off course, while in the back of your mind is that nagging concern over pick-pockets - thankfully something we heard little about and avoided all day long. 

At the markets pulsating centre, in the shadows of a church where on the steps budding florists (pun intended 😬) offer bunches of native plants just bursting with colour, are the eateries. 

Completely covered by tarpaulin you're instantly hit by a mixture of eye-watering smoke and drool-inducing smells. Shallow fried chicken and chips, tamales filled with chicken and wrapped in banana leaf, or tortillas and grilled beef all jump out at you. Pick your favourite, grab a spot on a bench and tuck in. Cheap and tasty you'll want to stay there for hours, and you will, at least until the desire for clean air has you darting for the exit. 

These markets are nothing short of extraordinary, an experience not to be missed and one where purchasing is impossible to avoid...just remember to haggle like your life depends on it!!!

Instagram: @thelisaphillips #somedaysherpa

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