The unsober truth

The unsober truth

One of the questions I keep getting asked is 'do you still feel like you're on holiday?'

Absolutely I do. 

While I've got 10 months still ahead of me, the truth is, I'm waiting for that 'I'm on holiday' feeling to wear off. But 8 weeks into this glorious adventure and there's no sign of this tingling, 'jump-for-joy', 'my life is awesome', 'every day is a party' sheen to drop a few shades. 

The thing about this big kid gap year is that you are technically in holiday mode all the time. I don't have to get up unless I'm taking another bus to another awesome place. I don't have to be anywhere, unless I want to be there and I don't have to answer to anyone - except listen to the endless whitter from Sherpa (whose English is coming along, as is his Spanish - we'll call it Spanglish).

But I digress, let's get back to me telling you how awesome my year off is. That's right, I was just about to tell you about drinking. 

Because everyday is a holiday, there's always a happy hour to be enjoyed. Sometimes it's a beach, sometimes a hole in the wall bar, sometimes a rooftop terrace, sometimes on a rocking chair with my Cuban family and sometimes on a horse. 

And it's tricky because everyday since departing the dear motherland I've had a drink - or two. Everyday. Without fail. You could set your watch to my drinking habits. 'You' being the operative word because I don't need a watch - because I'm on holidays, remember?!

With this new revelation, I've tried to slip in an alcohol-free day. Just one, and completely slipped up. Accidentally of course. One minute I'm ordering lunch and the next, the second mojito is arriving. 

So I've found a happy medium, alcohol-free mornings. That should do the trick. Cheers. 

Lake Atitlan - like no other

Lake Atitlan - like no other

